High Net-Worth Individuals

Assisting entrepreneurs, influencers & more

Our planning and advice are tailor-made for each individual client, and we generally work on a qualified referral-only basis. Please visit our contact page to make an appointment or request a consultation.

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Maximizing Revenue

We work with a number of small and medium-sized businesses that generate annual revenues up to $10 million. We offer a variety of services, from the initial business plan and structure, to exit-plan execution. We provide the resources to achieve our client’s objectives regardless of their business size or nature. Whether it is the purchase/sale of the business, or benefit packages and retirement plans, we have helped our clients with numerous successful business ventures in multiple states.

Professional Athletes

Athletes Serving Athletes

We began working with professional athletes in 2005 and developed a division of our team for professional athletes, by professional athletes. For these clients, we focus our efforts on financial education, tax planning, and utilization of networks to build a career path after the professional ball is over. Some standard services include budgeting plans, advice on purchases, and business plan/investment evaluations. We have experience with charitable foundations and often help organize camps and community projects with our athlete clients.

Meet the Team

We look forward to getting to know you!

Meet the Team